Tuesday, January 26, 2010

KSID radio owner attacks "Gutless Coward's" of reform

KSID radio owner Ibs Young let loose with a tirade in today's Sun-Telegraph. She obviously received the same letter I wrote about over the weekend and she calls into question the character, morals and general standing of such an individual or group.

I have news for Ms. Young. The letter neither proves nor disproves anything. It is a series of questions that the writer(s) felt are deserving of reply, not by Ms. Young or members of the media, but by the City Council members and/or the City Manager. Despite the request of others last week to simmer down and have a civil discussion, Young has brought out the rusty WWII vintage flamethrower to light up the skies. 
Perhaps it is this type of tirade from Young that causes people to avoid public confrontation. There are people in this town who want the best for the town but that seems to run afoul of the elitists who have their own vision of progress. These are people who would contribute, but for the fear that Young's response instills, choose to remain silent.

Publisher's Note: This section was addressed at last council meeting. It appears that no member of the council, nor member of the city staff acted in a manner that violated codes of conduct.
Council should take up the issue of the merits of the letter writers. They are only asking questions, albeit in a pointed manner. The council's responsibility is to the people of the city. The city manager's responsibility is to run the city offices at the pleasure of the City Council. It appears that the City Manager, Wendell Gaston and at least one city employee may have violated existing rules of conduct at the last meeting, if the contents of the letter are true and there should be some clarification or consequence depending on the actual facts.

With respect to the ability to speak one's voice, I support Young and the rest of those in the press to voice their opinion. Having said that, there is a long standing (if informal) policy among news agencies to report the news, not make it. I continue to find it amusing that Mrs. Young uses the newspaper rather than her own business to get her point out.

Michael Rowland

Letter to editor to Sun-Telegraph from Ibs Young, KSID Radio owner

I am addressing the anonymous letter writers of this community. You are obviously gutless, despicable cowards. You just prove that your questions and accusations are being fed to you by other gutless cowards and citizens of probable ill repute. Do you think it is easier for me to sign my name to a letter than it would be for you to sign your name to your letter? Just stand up and face the music for your ideas and questions just like the rest of us have done. Be brave. I know there are people who do not agree with me; but at least I have the courage to state my beliefs and say my name.
As for being part of the press: We are citizens of this community and pay our taxes just like everyone else. No where does it say that members of the Telegraph or KSID, or any press corps, have to give up their rights at the door of any public meeting. Was there anything said in either media outlet that was untrue?
Did anyone speak in support of councilman Van Vleet’s motion/resolution at the last council meeting? Did he answer any of the questions that were put to him? If so, then the press made a mistake.
Bless councilman Marv Filsinger for withdrawing his second and hopefully putting the issue to rest.
Come out of the dark and join the debate in the sunlight.
Elizabeth (Ibs) Young,


  1. Just a couple quick thoughts here: From my time spent in Sidney I know that Dave and Ibs Young were the owners of the radio station since the early 60's.. but last I heard, one of their daughters Barbie or Susan bought it from her 5 or 6 years ago.
    Also I guess I didn't see anywhere in Mrs. Youngs letter where she was writing it on behalf of the radio station.
    I guess if it were me I would have clarified that before I accused the radio station of attacking anything or of Mrs. Youngs ownership level.. I would imagine a quick call to the daughter would set your story.
    Again..sorry to bother you. Just my thoughts.

  2. Michael,

    Firstly, I wish to congratulate you on a well-written and superbly proof-read blog. There is nary a mistake to be seen, be it one of grammatical error or one of sheer common sense. Your intellect astounds me.

    Secondly, I am curious. If what Elizabeth Young did was inflaming the situation, what are you doing? You claim so fervently to desire nothing but civil debate, in a public place, and yet you cower behind the flimsy shell that is a blog, safe where only moderated comments can reach you?

    Naturally, you are just as entitled to your opinion as she is. The both of you are well within your rights as citizens to speak out on your differing views. However, I do wish you would do it with some tact. You are going after her for going after, supposedly, someone else. Nothing better than a case of the kettle and the pot.

    And perhaps you would prefer they got their point across on a blog?

    Hariot Sol

  3. Civil debate is what I am after. I have been spammed by no less than 10 different anonymous posters who added nothing to the debate and attacked either parties in the discussion or myself directly.

    You obviously do not know me if you think I hide behind anything, much less the flimsy shell of a blog.

    Comments are not moderated for my benefit, they are moderated for the public's benefit. Inflammatory rhetoric that assumes conduct not proven, or seeks to castigate people in the absence of proof have no place in any forum.

    Thank you for your assessment of my writing skill, however, people should know that I am not an editor and there will be from time to time errors in publication or even fact. If such a problem occurs, I heartily encourage reader comment to correct the deficiencies. I am not too proud to admit when I am wrong.
