Thursday, January 21, 2010

John Edwards no humanitarian

In an effort to paint himself as somehow more human, John Edwards, the former candidate for the highest office in the land, is in Haiti. Edwards is supposedly assisting the devastated people of the island nation to get back on their feet.

Here is the rub. Edwards is about to be indicted on charges he violated campaign finance rules when he paid Reille Hunter 114,000 dollars to shoot video of his campaign attempt. Despite the cost paid, the campaign never used a second of the video Hunter shot and reports later surfaced that Edwards fathered a child with her.

Edwards denied first the affair and then the child. A staffer came forward and claimed paternity for the little girl and mysteriously showed up in a new house. Later as more and more questions surfaced, Edwards admitted he had a relationship with Hunter, but continued to deny fathering her child.

Today, Edwards finally came clean, so to speak. He now admits that he is the father of the little girl and hopes that someday when she is old enough to understand, that she will forgive him.

Fat chance you loser bastard. All she will ever know is that you tried to save your own political and marital bacon. The same way you are trying now to offset any legal ramifications from your illegal conduct. A poor excuse for a politician and an even poorer excuse for a husband and father. You should be tried and placed under a jail and be made to do time.

Mike Rowland
Sidney, NE

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