Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Green Csar Clearly an A-Hole

It seems that Van Jones’ worst enemy may in fact be Van Jones.

The former self-avowed, but now clearly a raging capitalist, senior advisor to the President for Green Jobs cannot seem to extricate his radical views on toppling the government from within for what he calls social justice.

Fox News and other agencies have reported that  video footage from earlier this year shows Jones responding to a question as to why a Democratic majority in the Senate is having more difficulty moving legislation than Republicans did with a smaller majority.

Jones answered rather flippantly, “they’re assholes. That’s a technical, political science term.”  He later also added that “Some of us who are not Barak Hussein Obama are gonna have to start getting uppity.” This reference was clearly meant to say that he was content to let the President stay above the fray and he and others like him would be willing to do whatever dirty work needed to be done.

According to the White House, Jones had a transformational experience while in prison and he has put aside his radical ways in the effort to create a better society based on green jobs and a green economy.

His statement on the republicans belies the truth that while little to no republican support has been garnered for the currently proposed legislation, it is the moderate and conservative democrats who are blocking the progress. With significant majorities in both houses and an Oval Office more that willing to spend our way into obscurity, the Democratic Party is now clearly in disarray.

The threat of a budget reconciliation process  as a tool to force a less than 60 vote majority on a non budget bill is unprecedented and will most certainly come at the peril of the current majorities. With friends like Van Jones in the President’s inner circle, one wonders how the President’s advisors will ever achieve political reconciliation.

Van Jones is a cancer and should be removed from the President’s staff. The impunity with which he speaks undermines the President’s campaign position on seeking to unite the country.

The last three elections have been harrowingly close. Jone’s rhetoric and the President’s complacency regarding it shows the disdain Democrats have for their counterparts and we are all caught in the cross-fire.

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