Friday, February 12, 2010

A pause to say, "Thank You."

I have been publishing this site for nearly a year now. I need to thank those who have participated in the success of this site by reading and providing useful comments on the topics at hand. I truly appreciate the fact that there are concerned citizens who choose to look here for a part of their news and commentary.

Having said that, I would like to encourage everyone, whether you agree with the opinions or stories expressed or have a different perspective to share those comments and stories with our readership which has surpassed 500 hits per day and is averaging page views exceeding 1200 for the first time in the last couple days.

It is because of the needs of the town and its people that I do this. If you enjoy reading, but don't want to comment and value the site and the service it provides, please consider contributing to help keep it going via financial support. If readership continues to build we will be very close to opening up true media competition in the Sidney area. That hasn't happened for a very long time. A chipIn widget on the side of the page will provide you a secure method to make your donation.

Thank You to everyone who has read and made the site as successful as it has been so far. Let me know how I can keep making the place a more complete view of the needs of the town.


Michael Rowland, Publisher

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