Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Special interests, including including ethanol subsidies ARE the problem

Footed Shepard of Peetz, Co. Thinks that politicians are beholden to special interests. He is right, they are. According to Floyd, "It should not be too hard to make good legislation to solve these problems, without trying to get their own little special interest to be included, that would favor someone who donated largely to their campaign."

Here is the rub. Last year, Mr. Shepard also wrote an editorial touting the benefits of ethanol as a renewable resource. He believes this, because he sells corn to ethanol producers who use energy, and water resources far in excess of the btu output of unmodified gasoline in a gambit made by the very lobby he decries as responsible for the problems created by decades of special interests and their lobbying/purchasing of Congresional votes.

I fully commend Mr. Shepard's change of world view, but also hope that this change is broad enough to tackle his sacred cows, in addition to those of others.

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