Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Nice Try... and you know who you are :)

Nice try. An anonymous poster, lacking the guts to put their name to a comment says that I have it out for people who have "wronged" me. This is not the case in the slightest. When I left the employ of my former company, they provided me a generous severance package and thanked me for the years of valuable service I rendered to them. I was not, "fired" as was Mrs. Nelsen, although people such as the writer often equate the two as one and the same.

As recently as a last year, people complained that the big three of Filsinger, Wiederspon and Van Vleet were attempting to undermine the city manager and the progressive ideas of Gaston and his clone Hiett. The idea of going after Filsinger was purely political as Gary needed to cement his power base with a solid third vote. You have to admit that it is now more likely that Gary can ram his ideas through with little more than passive resistance with softball questions such as those you have already seen from Gaston, Nienheuser and Hiett.

I am not saying every idea that Gary comes up with is bad, but his track record of economic development, sans what Cabela's was already interested in doing, is scant to none. It should be seen for the farce that it is how he wants to push off part of his economic duties and responsibilities to someone else (precisely increasing staff salaries and benefits in direct opposition to thoughts to separate his roles last year). Respected citizens said that it didn't make financial sense to separate his roles, yet now he expects you to believe that it is ok to create a high paying job with city benefits to assume a part of his economic responsibilities. Gary Person is a CITY employee first and an area economic development coordinator second. I agree with the person who commented on how this is a new job that gives him more control over activities best left to the chamber of commerce.

An effective news organization would be asking the what-if questions, instead these media outlets simple report what is said and offer zero analysis as to what the potential impact is on their respective market audiences.

Neither have any spine to objectively seek clarification and both readily accept whatever tidbits are supplied to them from the FOGG.

If there is any thing that bothers me about the local situation, it is precisely that fact alone.

Gary is a politician, and just like all successful politicians, he has lobbied and built his alliances carefully over the years. You cannot, as the commenter said, point to the "large number" of voters and say that the last election was definitive by any standard. I need to check this out with Beth F. in the County Clerk's office, but you have to take a look at the number of registered voters in all the precincts and then look at the penetration or actual percent of eligible votes cast by precinct.

I advocated a couple years ago for requiring elections to be converted to a ward based system, whereby those elected are chosen from these neighborhood wards or districts. This would help increase active participation from people on the north side of town as well as diluting the concentration of power on the south side. It is a reasonable and fair thing to consider and it would be difficult to push some of Gary's progressive nonsense through when people on the North side would actually realize the long term costs of such folly.

Don't think I hate anyone or anything. I just think differently that Gary's crew and I have nothing to lose by illustrating those differences. Gary or any member of the FOGG are more than welcome to comment and they can remain anonymous or put their name to it.

The problem is, and always has been that they chose to act like Bucko Hartzler or Cathy Wilson or the Youngs and lob their grenades and vitriol behind anonymous comments or titles such as "The Pundit." I stand by every word and am not afraid to say it, or amend it if I am wrong. If you disagree, bring your facts and leave out the side swipes on me or this blog and you will be heard. Frankly, I would rather have a debate with a named individual and discuss the ideas than respond to BS anonymous bombs, but no one has found the courage to refute me with their name attached. I think that says volumes about the caliber of their argument.


  1. Why didn't you post the anonymous post you are refering to? Things you don't want seen? Isn't it great that you get to control the discussion (a posititon that you like). It seems very one sided to me. Fair and equal Mike, isn't that your whole theory? And to critize anonymous is such hipocrasy on your part...after all you were on the side of secret meetings and anonymous letters. Weren't you one of the authors of the Sidney Citizen? It sure sounded like your style..BS!

  2. Sidney called and their idiot is missing...I told them that he is alive and in Atlanta. Gave them your blogspot address so they could verify.

  3. Again I will say, that the election results spoke for what the people wanted (thats how we do it here in the USA). People were tired of how things were run by the council. They were tired of elected officials getting a pass and not living by the same rules as everyone else. Check out how the Northside Town Hall meeting went..how the streets were the 1st thing on their list of needed improvements and cleaning up their neighborhoods was 2nd on their list. Remember the city survey...the majority said that the appearance of the town was a concern. These are some of the concerns of the citizens of Sidney. Obviously the voters thought that with Filsinger (king of trash) in office along with the other 2, things wouldn't change. So here is a reminder of the election totals in case you have forgot; Neinhauser 1247...Gaston 1232...Hiett 1118...Filsinger 725. That kind of says it all, huh Mike? Weren't you a resident of Colorado at the election? But, I don't think that even if you had voted, it would have changed the outcome. Seems to be alot of FOGGS in Sidney, maybe even the majority. Last time I looked this was still a democratic country and we are exercising our right to that here in Sidney.

  4. Wow! You seem to really not like Roland. Is there setting wrong with his way or talking or do you have a personal problem with him. Seems to me you win arguments with facts. This guy is just stirring conversation and it seems you only like to make comments about him. Is there a chance you can talk about the substance of his message instead of him?

  5. Nice how the numbers point to a significant minority of registered voters. classically... 1200 votes out of a number much higher doesn't say that people were really torqued.. it does say that Filsinger did stick his finger in the wrong eye.

    It really isn't about not holding Marv accountable. I have said it here and have said it to him personally....he made his bed and his obstinate behavior were his political undoing. That being said, the nature of the aggression coming on the heals of Filsinger's compaints about Person's power consolidation strikes cleanly as retribution.

    There is no denying that Gary has friends in high places, and that those friends are clearly willing to bend corporate policies when it benefited Person.
