Friday, July 29, 2011

Pelosi, Democrats out of their minds

In the midst of the cacophony of the debt and spending debate, Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) gives a speech indicating Republicans are insistent on destroying clean air, water and are highly desirous of starving grandma out of her home.

If ever there were a case where hate speech shouldn't be tolerated, it should be this kind of rhetoric. Clearly having the purpose of rallying the nut jobs that cost the Dems the House last year, Pelosi's inflammatory language serves no purpose and exposes the real fear that there are those in her party who do not wish to suffer the blame if a deal is not reached prior to next Tuesday.

It is a fact that we spend far more than we take in. It is also a fact that the debt ceiling must be raised. The Republicans are on the right path and the compromise must be that for x amount of new money to spend, we want x amount in systemic cuts to programs. It is time to prioritize and everything must be on the table. If cutting spending alone doesn't get the job done, then it may be necessary for additional taxes, but let me be clear. The tax code must be reformed before any such discussion takes place. Thirty-eight percent of the population cannot be allowed to ride the great American Experiment for free. The only way out of this is to wide the tax payer base. That means more jobs and more accountability at all income levels. End all loopholes, including personal items such as mortgage interest and all corporate loopholes and subsidies.

It is time for a hard dose of reality. Pelosi, Reid and Obama have dug the ditch even deeper than they claimed it to be when President Bush retired. It is time to put all of the American people to work, repairing the ditch and making it safer for the future.

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