Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Weiner steps on his own, apologizes for boneheaded tweet

My girlfriend who is a professional writer suggested that I use a different header here, but I just couldn't control myself. Congressman Anthony Weiner, D-NY, took to the cameras yesterday to say that all the lies and obfuscations he had been telling for more than a week were... indiscretions. It seems the narcissistic Rep. Weiner just couldn't bring himself to be honest with his constituency in matters involving the heart (or other body parts).

When probed by penetrating questions, Weiner laughed it off as a crank pulled by someone making a joke on his name (just like he made fun of House Speaker John Boehner name by hinting that it might refer to another euphemism for the same body part.

In case you haven't heard, the rock-solid Democrat was stiff with anger when confronted by news reports of his racy tweets to a college co-ed in on the west coast. According to Weiner, the tweets were the result of someone who hacked (no pun intended) his account and he offered, with certitude, that he did not send. Another bone of contention for reporters came from Weiner's limp assertion that he could absolutely deny he was the objet d'art in the pix.

Despite days of trying to pull back from the initial probe, Weiner was forced to come before the cameras again. This time however, the Congressman needed more than a towel to choke back the tears as he admitted to the tweet in question. Furthermore, Weiner finally stiffened his resolve to admit that he additionally sent tweets of a sexual nature to other women before and since his marriage to New York politico Huma Abedin. Some of these intervalle went as far as deep conversations into the nature of the human condition between the sheets, so to speak.

The hopefully not-long-for-his-office congressman is rumored to have used a sobriquet in some of these rendezvous. Little did the member of Congress realize that the utilization of his office phone in perpetrating a clandestine sex-capade  constitutes an official "act." One wonders why the stain of such shame hasn't been enough to cause our little midget to decline further "service" to his electorate, but like all Democrats, this one just can't get enough. Although I am not surprised, I have to admit that it is interesting to see something else rise in the nation's capital besides taxes.

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