Sunday, October 11, 2009

Massive accomplishments in under two weeks!

The title of this posting sounds more like an ad in the back of an executive trade journal or perhaps a recruiter that swears your only problem in securing the perfect job is their super resume work-over routine. Of course, these services will cost you and arm and a leg to the chance to get your foot in the door, the opportunity to make something better out of the sawdust of your former career, but make no mistake about it, you are paying only for someone else's vision of who you are, not who you actually are.

President Obama was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace. The award, historically given to a lifetime's work for the promotion of peaceful ideals, left everyone asking: "Why him, why now? What has he accomplished? Why does he deserve it among the 205 other persons nominated? Who were those nominees anyway? Those answers really don't matter because the President was given this award, not for what he accomplished, but for hoping something better would happen.

According to the Nobel Society website, virtually anyone who is a member of Congress, international courts, university presidents and professors in the social sciences, previous winners, anyone who has been on the Nobel Peace Committee and their advisors and last... but not least, any board member who serves on an organization that has won the award. Given the number of people in power in this country, as well as the leadership of our institutions of higher learning, one can bet that it was most likely a left-winger who placed his name in nomination.

We do not yet know who nominated the President, and the organization is keeping mum on it unless the bloated ego of the person who nominated the first black president fails to keep it secret. With all of the furor and curiosity swirling around the announcement this week, it is a fair bet that it will be at least several weeks before we know who put him in the running.

What is perhaps more curious is the thought process whomsoever nominated Obama for the award in the first place. They must have read his book, the Audacity of Hope and thought ... now here is a guy who clearly gets it. Reports in the news are the President was nominated just days after his inauguration. The deadline is the first meeting after Feb 1 of each year and so the newly minted President, must have had a very busy schedule solving world peace in his life time. He must have felt like a beauty contestant on the interview portion of the competition.

All kidding aside, people have leaked that the basis of Obama's Nobel Prize is for the hope that he promises, not for actual results. The committee, has bought into his rhetoric that if you give peace a chance, everything will work out on its own. Citing Obama's efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and his willingness to destroy the American way of life for the dubious science of Global Warming, er..Climate Change, the committee believes that his statements on multilaterism and a world without nuclear weapons are achievement enough to warrant the Prize.

According to the Committee, "Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future." The committee, largely comprised of leftist Norwegian Parliament members, also believes in a socialized world. No wonder that they, like him base their hope on the backs of richer nations to improve the lives of the world's poor.

The sad fact of the matter is our own humanity. Some of us reach to help out our fellow man while at the same time others are their to smack someone else into the dust. Human nature being what it is cannot offer an open hand unilaterally. When international bodies such as the UN fail to act in ways to restrict nuclear proliferation or genocide, or countries such as India and China can opt out of climate change treaties or not be held to the same standards as the US and western Europe, the result isn't improving the world, it is improving the world at the expense of the west.

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