Saturday, March 6, 2010

theGuardianNews wants to hear you on Health Care Reform

For nearly a year now, the Congress has been primarily focused on the issue of health care reform. A  bitter debate over whether or not the government should be a single-payer system as in medicare, how to stop the practice of pre-existing conditions, or mandating that all people buy coverage, in order to spread the risk.

Virtually every group supporting this measure stands to gain from its passage. Someone will have to pay the bill and while most in this country believe that some type of reform is needed, there is a general consensus that this particular plan, along with the manner in which it has been done, is not the right plan for the United States.

I am working on a story about what health care reform should look like to the citizens of Cheyenne County. It isn't going to be a hack piece about challenging your Senator to a debate, since that isn't going to happen. It will be a story about how you use health care in your family, in your businesses and in the medical profession.

Each group of providers or consumers in the health care arena has specific issues with the current system. Lawsuits, defensive medicine, dwindling benefits and increased costs have plagued the system for decades. What changes could reasonably be put in place to curb costs, what could patients do to improve their general well-being and reduce the demand for health services, and what reforms should be placed on the insurance industry to benefit all.

If you have a story to tell about your personal experience with health care, issues with managing group insurance, premiums and reimbursements, or have an idea how to increase coverage and reduce costs, please send me an email. All inquiries will be kept confidential upon request.

1 comment:

  1. Our company lost our health insurance a few years ago. (Thanks to pre-existing conditions) Our family doesn't go to the doctor. As we await health insurance, we are careful not to be diagnosed. We have no early prevention exams. We sleep in fear. I would like to see the cost of insurance brought down a notch (actually I would like to see insurance collapse and start over) At this point in time, with the economy the way it is, we can not afford insurance..where's the money going to come from? Today, in the USA, an illegal alien can pop over to America, pop out a baby and pay nothing for it, because it is considered an "american" baby. She then gets our Doctors professional opinions, and pops back over to Mexico to get their drugs at a sickningly low cost. If my daughter were to get pregnant (knock on wood) she would have to pay thousands!!...for an "american" baby and hundred in prescriptions...Hmmmm.. Something is rotten in Denmark. I would like them to focus more on insurance reform, tort reform. I think congress could have spanked the insurance companies and bring them in line with todays needs much easier than this government take over. If we could eliminate the insurance lobbiest, and say "NO MORE special interest groups!" Our leaders need to end this historic "party" they are having, sober up and get to work or they are fired. In short, an easy answer has been blown into a government takeover. It will not work. But.....I need insurance, I need affordable insurance..Today in 2010 I will be diagnosed with an autopsy!
