Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Senator Ben Nelson to directly benefit from his vote on Health care.

In addition to accepting what some have considered a bribe for his vote on the Senate health care bill, Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson is accepting a more direct benefit in the form of an advocacy campaign on his behalf from none other that the Democratic National Committee.

The $459,760 transfer of wealth from the DNC was provided to the Nebraska Democratic Committee to run issue ads for the Senator. Out here in the panhandle, we didn't really see the spots which ran in high population areas on the east end of the state, where Nelson's support, such as it is, runs higher.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) said the money wasn't part of the deal to get Nelson's vote, but rather a response to the firestorm created in Nebraska over his crucial support of a bill that offended the majority of the state's electorate.

A press release was provided by DNC press secretary that glossed over the DNC strong support of the public option, noting that Ben Nelson is under "immense political pressure."

The support of Nelson in this way has angered many far left Democrats who are nearly apoplectic in the leadership the democrats have been providing. With losses in Virginia, and heavily democratic New Jersey and Bluechip Massachusetts in the last 3 months, liberals are desperate to hold on to whatever passes for a democrat these days.

Given the division in the democratic party, Nelson may find himself too democratic for the state and too Republican for the Senate liberal Democrats. A true political no-man's land.

Publisher's Note: Senator Nelson has still not contacted this author in reference to his vote on the Senate Health Care bill, more than a month over due from when his staffer promised to provide feedback.

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