Saturday, February 13, 2010

Insane questions

Boo Radley writes on Julie Young's blog, "As long as we are on the subject of open disclosure, I would love to hear the reason that the City of Sidney is not collecting a little over $11,000 in taxes from the mayors business. Does anyone else find it interesting that his little parcel of land is not annexed, yet city contracts are given for our animal control? Do the city Police and animal control officers even have jurisdiction once they take an animal taken from the city to an unannexed (sic) location? Why should I have to pay a fee to retreive (Sic) my pet from a non-city business?? And folks wonder why the citizens have questions about our elected officials playing above board!! Unbelievable!

Boo Radley

Well Boo,

The city can't charge taxes on businesses that are not located outside its jurisdiction. Sidney routinely issues contracts for work and services to companies outside the jurisdiction of the city limits so no, I don't find it interesting in the slightest.

The city police are allowed to transport animals to the vet clinic. asking that question says more about her than the policy. As for having to pay a fee to retrieve your pet, perhaps she should avoid the situations that required the police to transport the animal out of the city limits.

If you want to question the actions of Council, try to stick to legitimate ones, not the comic relief you dribbled out to Julie Young. If that is the best line of questioning you can develop to show how underhanded the city is, your cause has the toughest row to hoe in all of Nebraska.

Michael Rowland

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