The Beautification Alliance is in full swing again tonight as Gary Person and his cast of clowns seek to gain a second successful reading of the Anti-Storage Ordinance. In the military, ordinance is something use to blow up or otherwise kill, injure or maim someone or something.
Ironic I guess that you can use the term interchangeably when talking about the shelling of local businesses that Gary and friends have had in their sights since late last year when Cabela's yesmen Gaston, Hiett and now Nienhueser have announce their most ambitious plans yet to turn a town of the mid-6000s into the Boulder of the high plains.
I sincerely hope that some people in town will recognize that we are headed for a double dip recession and that even the relatively well positioned state of Nebraska can't afford to take another shot in the ribs from insane policies like the Beautification Alliance.
The rules allow the planning commission to not only specifiy who can get an exception to the storage of... anything transportable by sea, land or air, they also get to tell you which friggin color of Krylon® to use if you manage to be a friend of Gary and get the exception.
Praise God above that men like Bob V. and Dave W. still have the courage to resist the clone wars. It looks like the departure of Mike Merritt from the planning commission and the inclusion of Tammy Nelsen on the housing authority are just about all that is needed to stir up one hell of a cocktail for disaster in town.
Someone please go to the City Hall meeting this evening and speak out against this overreach of local Boss Hoggness. In the words of the immortal Mr. T.... "I pity da fool," who can't see the light at the front of this tunnel. I say the front of the tunnel because there ain't no light where Gary is taking you next.
You know, you really shouldn't confuse ordinance with ordnance. And FYI, Dave W. gave his support of ordinance tonight. Guess he's a Gary Clown now.
ReplyDeleteDid you ever here are "license?"... as in literary license?
ReplyDeleteDespite Dave's support of the ordinance, it is still a bad idea. I am not even talking about banning such containers in Residential areas. They have their own problem with all the 5th wheels parked along the street, in driveways, etc. It's the mandating color schemes provision that is the hook. That and the special exception requesting. Given the mood to outlaw them, do you really think that anyone is going to get permits?
Also.. I do believe the ordinance will be illegal if they try to stop or otherwise alter the current locations without compensating the owners of those storage (constitutional taking).
I am glad to see that you wanted to comment. I likewise glad that you have no sense of humor. Thank you... friend of Gary