Thursday, May 19, 2011

Another flush from the liquid plumber

One of the points that Mike Hartzler made in his S-T rant was that councilman Van Vleet and I were "liberal." Really, Mike? Please, someone get me his address. I want to send him a Thesaurus and dictionary as a way of helping him to be able to see reality a little more clearly.


Last week, The S-T published a letter to the editor from me in which I railed against the new big three of Nienhueser, Gaston, and Hiett. The letter, more than a week after the city council meeting, conveniently coincided with a near direct response from former councilman Mike Hartzler.

Hartzler, who rarely pokes his head out of the bar unless his friend Gary (or one of his accomplisces), suffers some PR issue, then seeks to chastise the S-T for allowing me to damage the reputation of these men.

Hartzler also wonders why the paper would allow me to attack, mislead, yada, yada....and then proceeds to do the very things to me that he chides the paper for failing to prevent.

While I doubt that LP Hartzler posseses the necessary grammatical skills to effectively use Mr. Roget's book of synonymns, his personal attack is quite hypocritical.

Having been personally harrassed by the Liquid Plumber, or being called disarranged by someone with the social skills of the famed Otis from Maberry, doesn't especially bother me. The fact that the newspaper allowed him to criticize their policy, while simultaneously violating it is the biting irony. It is just one more example of lack of leadership at the helm at the paper, who, after publishing their letters to the editor policy, then publishes a letter, clearly over that limit.

For the record, I am neither disarranged, nor am I a Sidney hater. It seems that Bucko Hartzler mistakes dissension (that means disagreement, Mike) for hatred. This blog is published only to counter blow toads such as the Liquid Plumber, and to provide a different perspective on the overreaching grab for power that the city manager and his new found alliance will continue to seek.

I have asked the S-T to remove Hartzler's letter from their website, and we will see if Sue Mizell will reach beyond her education and use common sense in this and future policy applications.

Next up.....I will publish an analysis of the proposed new clothing store. You won't want to miss that one, I promise.

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