Sunday, February 5, 2012


This week, President Obama made a scriptural reference in a speech about taxing the rich. Quoting the Gospel of Luke, the President iterated the point about, "To whom much is given, much is required."

It is ironic that Mr. Obama would use a religious reference in a week that he has hammered religion, now requiring religious affiliated organizations to offer health care, despite objections of conscience that have always been honored in the past.

That irony still escapes the basic false premise in the scripture reference he used. Jesus was not intending that the much that would be required would be given to Caesar (even though he did say, "Render unto Caesar..." No, the Gospels were not intended to be a mechanism with which to fund the governments of the world. They were intended to encourage all of us to look within ourselves, to find a transformation of self, and in doing so, commit ourselves to help others. That means, me, doing what I can for someone or some people as I can. It does not mean that a government, overblown and bereft of capability to actually help people should become the vessel by which this help is delivered. More importantly, it was not intended by the founders to be the plan for our government.

President Obama has been around long enough for people to finally recognize the both sides of his mouth he talks out of. Perhaps, and just maybe, if the Federal government got out of the business of confiscating as much money as they do, that we all could do more to help our communities, churches and our own families.

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