Tuesday, April 26, 2011


LTTE: Race-Based Politics

Published: Tuesday, April 26th, 2011


I found the redistricting article that mentioned redistricting boundaries would be based, in part, on racial parameters. The civil rights act abolished this kind of behavior (at least legally). Legislating representation in this manner is antithetical to the purpose contained in that law enacted 40 years ago.

The very notion that we need to carve out political districts to cater to certain racial groups should be seen for what it is: The dilution of political power in the non-conformed group and a statement that the conformed group needs help to keep even.

While no distinction can be rationally proven to show that people of one color are inherently better than those of another, the old hook about race and opportunity continues to persist as though it were the rule. While not ideal, race relations are not what they were 100 or even 50 years ago. Attitudes today are far more willing to accept a person based on conduct rather than skin color.

For those who seek to challenge the bounds of the possible, success is more probable. The founders came from a heritage of hard work that reaped its own reward.

And yet we still struggle to find the balance between the lessons learned from our past and the fear to apply them in the present. Politicians should not be elected to serve fractious constituencies. Race-based policies do not bridge the gaps between us, but make them wider and deeper.

Mike Rowland
Peetz, Colo

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Saturday, April 9, 2011


LTTE: Sen. Nelson Is Lying

Published: Saturday, April 9th, 2011


Sen. Ben Nelson tells us that political shenanigans are responsible for the budget failing to be passed since last October. He also would have you believe that a whole list of things will fail to happen should the government shut down (failing an agreement this week).

Nelson is a politician. We all know the joke about politicians and the truth. There is just enough of it in his statement to sound like it is.

The cynic in me, combined with my ability to research facts tells me this ...
Money delayed isn’t money lost. Items that are budgeted will be funded, so the likely impact to farmers is minimal, especially if the farmer has good credit standing with their bank. The federal government merely backs these loans ... (there is a call to force congressional and executive branch personnel to lose their paycheck during the shutdown, but the millions saved really doesn’t amount to much in a $3.6 trillion dollar budget, does it).

Military personnel are considered essential and will DEFINITELY receive their compensation and health care, including dependent TRICARE benefits.

Seniors and others will continue to receive health care as most billing for Medicare and as an entitlement, it will be paid, there is no risk of loss.

Lastly, the shenanigans to which Sen. Nelson refers began under an administration and Congress completely controlled by a significant majority by his own party. It is the responsibility to pass a budget and send to the president by Sept. 30 of each year. Sen. Nelson’s party didn’t even bring it up for a vote.

Recall that Nelson was more interested in pushing healthcare down your throat then finding a fiscally (and constitutionally mandated) sensible budget to run the government for the year. Instead, he decided to participate in the shenanigans he claims are holding up progress. Me thinks he doth protest too much!

Maybe there are shenanigans going on in Congress, but as a politician, Sen. Nelson is lying. You can tell because his lips are moving.

Mike Rowland,