Dear friends of Gary...
Despite your fondest wishes.. I have not gone the way of the dinosaur, or the pet rock. I have merely been neck deep in a major development project that will change the entire way a client achieves on their work, workflow designs and will help revolutionize their way of doing business.
Also, I have been taking some time to review what I have been able to learn about the Sidney budget process and have been gathering up some information about Jim Pelster's auto accident recently.
I have some commitments that will dominate my life for the next 10 days, but I am still writing and preparing to publish a couple stories about the local flavor and I think you will be pleased with the results.
Until then, please keep all the info coming in. Don't forget that it is the efforts of you few patriots that keep the wheels of justice and information flowing. The guardian news is your engine, now that you don't require any protection from random PS3 stories.
Take care