Thursday, June 30, 2011

Isn't it wonderful?

Looks like the friends of Gary have inched themselves one step closer in their battle to Stepfordize Sidney.

Council agreed Tuesday night to explore the possibility of setting up a path to illegality for those businesses who have shipping containers. The ordinance seeks to limit or restrict ownership of these shipping containers unless a special exception permit is obtained. Currently only friends of Gary would even qualify for this special permit.

Monday, June 27, 2011

EEOC and Witness Tampering ****Update****

Publisher's Note: It appears the large employer involved in multiple EEOC complaints from the story below has told a certain department's employees that they must contact legal if they are contacted by a member of the state of federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Let me be clear, if anyone is contacted by the EEOC or the NEOC as the case may present, rest assured that your employer already knows that you are a potential witness. Demanding or otherwise instructing you to contact legal is a bit disingenuous at the least, and potentially witness tampering, if the effect that employees take away from this is that they must comply with their employer's wishes or face the prospect of loss on standing or employment for willingly participating in the discovery process.

At least one employee has contacted one case plaintiff and expressed this concern, citing the need to keep their current employment intact. The words from the conversation clearly demonstrate that this employee is afraid of retaliation, especially having seen how it works with others in their department who have since left the employ of the company.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Open letter to the Sun-Telegraph readership

Publisher's Note: I have written several letters to the editor recently at the Sun-Telegraph and they have been somewhat reluctant to publish them. Considering the lack of love for the editorial policies I have for them, I can understand the personal nature of the reluctance. Irrespective of that reluctance, the first duty of a free press is to hold government accountable for the decisions it makes. I post this morning my latest open letter to the citizens of Cheyenne County in hopes that a question of due diligence be applied and that a full accounting be demanded of and by those parties to the EMagine Concepts funding fiasco foisted upon Nebraska taxpayers at the request of Gary Person and Paul Schaub.

Person, Schaub and the County Commissioners need to come clean on the loan application approved for EMagine Concepts.

The local newspaper and radio station as members of the "free" press need to ask how $160,000 could have been approved as a loan to Erik Mullem's company in the face of staggering debt owed to the IRS, Adams Trucking and others. What did Mullem do with the money. Was his IRS debt larger that currently reported?

The shame continues to pile on for Person, Schaub and the Cheyenne County Commissioners

In an effort to stem the righteous indignation and outrage of the people in Cheyenne County, both the local rag newspaper and radio station have mounted offensives to deflect responsibilities away from Economic  Development Director Gary Person, County Attorney Paul Schaub and the three Cheyenne County Commissioners who participated in the EMagine Concepts funding fiasco.

Sunday, June 19, 2011




Since it wasn't local money, we were not hurt as badly?

Seriously Gary? How can you possibly have the gall to intimate that the money wasted on Emagine Concepts via the Cheyenne County Commissioners loan of CDBG funds last year isn't a big deal?

KSID manufactured news reported that the company opened on a, "limited basis" at the end of last year but failed to secure enough financing to continue operations. They screwed Adams and Sons out of rent and other utility fees and just walked away from their obligations to the tax payers.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Be very careful of the "Our Community Clothing, Inc." initative

Some time ago, the Sun-Telegraph published a story about the thought of creating a women's clothing store in Sidney. Smelling a rat and concerned about the potential for local tax dollars being used to support this potential enterprise, I elected to research the concept that was executed by Torrington, Wyoming. The article, entitled, "Our Clothing Store dressed for success" demonstrated how members of the town, in cooperation with local economic development efforts and state assistance in planning and researching found a store could have a positive impact for the locality.

Right on Doctor C!

Although Carl Cornelius and I are not friends or necessarily agree on local Sidney politics, we nearly always agree on the national scene.

His latest (I think he is the only person the Sun Telegraph allows to comment any more) rant about Senator Ben (I stuck it to my constituents again) Nelsen rails on the Senator who flops more than a fish out of water on his Health Care vote and how wonderful it is for citizens.

I include it below this post because it is just that good. I hope Nebraskans, as well as citizens of other states act to destroy the careers of people such as Ben Nelson for voting their party interests over the interests of the Nation at large. I hope Nebraskans begin waging a campaign to unseat the soon to be departed Senator. Let him go back home and enjoy the good life for a change, instead of living it up at the expense of Nebraskans.

Michael C. Rowland, Publisher

Sen. Ben Nelson is at it again. He first was the deciding vote for Obamacare with the “Nebraska Kickback.” Then he changed his mind, after some time elapsed, and told us that he had asked for the kickback conditions for all states.

Now that the chickens have come home to roost and the large majority of Nebraskans are dead set against Obamacare, he and his henchmen have decided to go on the attack and tout all the great benefits of the plan, which places the decisions of what treatments will be approved in the hands of a non-medical, or politically appointed, lay board (death panel).

He ignores the fact that this plan takes half-a-trillion dollars out of the Medicare budget right off the top and then accuses the Republicans of trying to push Grandmother off the cliff rather than treat her in a compassionate fashion.

This plan is designed as an intermediate step toward a one-payer system.

Sen. Nelson: we remember what you did in this regard and if you think that Nebraskans will forget your complicity, think again. We have long memories.

Carl J. Cornelius,


Sunday, June 12, 2011

And so it begins

Today, in less time than a man works a daily shift, I shall board a winged steed on a mission to the Old Country. I am to venture into thte land of the Pope's protectors and to lock hands with those who fight for the least among us. A high honor for me personally, but an opportunity to be of greater assistance to those who help millions.

Thus begins my journey to Geneva, Switzerland. Today, there will be one stop in Amsterdam and a two hour lay over before ascending the final leg to Geneva. There is a 6 hour time difference and with the nearly 11 hours of flight, I am scheduled to arrive Monday morning around 8:00 AM local time.

The nature of my visit with this client, is the same as it has been for the last 20 years or so. Assist people in finding out what they do and help them do it better. This particular mission is as much about engaging in diplomacy and the associated give and take that negotiations bring to continued prosperity. To that end, and it is considered good advice, I am to listen twice as much as I am to speak, and to write down all that pertains to the subject at hand.

The next 6 days will see meeting schedules full of back to back meetings, working lunches and coffees. Representatives from all over the world will be participating in this share of information and I am one of two hand-picked to represent the creative team, due to my command of the technological situation.

Though I will not be able to speak of my discussions with this client, I will be able to relay my off hours time. I intend to use my new IPad 2 to both capture the beauty of Geneva and to tell you all about it as time permits. I am sorry to say that Kathy will not be able to attend as it would have been a nice vacation for her after the trials she has recently endured.

I will try and post an update from Amsterdam, but I think we are going to be forced to run Through a foreign terminal ala O.J. Simpson. Although it will be morning when we arrive at our terminal destination, it will feel like 2 AM in Atlanta. I expect a brief respite from the waking world will be necessary as we adjust to our new home.

Until then, I bid you all, adieu

Thursday, June 9, 2011

It's baaaack

Just in case buoy may have been wondering, I have decided to retire up the digital presses of theguardiannews due to increased urging from a select group of readers and members of the local electorate.

Have no fear, I will be pointed where necessary, but also fair. You deserve a decent alternative to the drivel you have been supplied by other outlets.

I will not promise that I won't write stories about the Sony Playstation or the challenges associated with losing clothes sizes due to my steady weight loss regimen, but I will try to focus on the things that matter: That which costs you money.

Today's piece, for instance, asks how City Manager/Economic Development Director Gary Person was cheerleader-in-chief when Erik Mullen of now defunct EMagine Concepts asked for and received 160,000 dollars in money, only to break lease arrangements and stiff the good people of Cheyenne County.

Even during the Commissioners meeting where the funds were approved, questions were brought forward about the company' balance sheet.. Look where are are today.

I hope you keep reading and that you will make this a regular stop on your journey to understand what is really being done to you, on your behalf.

Have a great da @theguardiannews

Michael Rowland, Publisher

Person loses EMagination

While the notice today that EMagine Concepts was filing for bankruptcy protection shouldn't shock anyone who can count, it presents an economic development PR disaster for ineffectual director Gary Person.

When EMagine Concepts came before the Cheyenne County Commissioners to request money, they brought Person in tow, presumably to lend his, "considerable prestige?" to the effort.

Despite being given advice that the company was of questionable means, Person and County Attorney Paul Schaub gave them the "A-OK" and the company took 160,000 tax payer dollars under the guise that they were going to bring jobs to the area.

One has to ask, "What were they thinking?" One of the only non-Cabela's economic development opportunities that could bring significant jobs and Person blew it.

Perhaps if Mr. Person were to spend more time doing his homework on the companies he expects the tax payees fund, such embarrassing episodes could be avoided in the future.

Perhaps the liquid plumber or the boot hill committee chair would like to offer letters of support for Person's efforts to help Cheyenne County lose so much opportunity. It might even hold true that thte Sun-Telegraph or KSID Radio will yet again come to the defense of their favorite son and gloss over the story, or find, "more important stories," that will captivate their respective markets.

Whatever the outcome with EMagine Concepts, it ought to fall upon Mr. Person to admit his lack of fiduciary responsibility in lending his support to such a questionable venture.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

They call him, "The Panderer"

Reading Senator Ben Nelson's latest e-newsletter reminds me of the old 50's tune, "The Wander," excepti hear Panderer instead of the original lyric each time he comes out with a new update.

Here is a note I left the deeply troubled senator from my new locale in the mid-deep south. I hope to keep the heat on the panderer until the 2012 elections promote him back to citizen.

Sen. Nelson. Will you not ever get it? Your e update was a complete pander to the farm lobby and an attempt to pre-encourage people who live in flood prone areas that you and the rest of your cronies will step in to rescue them when the floods come... Yet again..

Flood insurance, crop insurance and other offsets are commercially available and smart business persons do what needs to be done to ensure continuity of operations. How truly unfortunate for your constituents, that you choose to pander to your special interests and therefore expose the rest of Nebraskans to the needs of your powerful allies.

Shame on you yet again. You, sir, are a hack in the guise of a political servant

Weiner steps on his own, apologizes for boneheaded tweet

My girlfriend who is a professional writer suggested that I use a different header here, but I just couldn't control myself. Congressman Anthony Weiner, D-NY, took to the cameras yesterday to say that all the lies and obfuscations he had been telling for more than a week were... indiscretions. It seems the narcissistic Rep. Weiner just couldn't bring himself to be honest with his constituency in matters involving the heart (or other body parts).

When probed by penetrating questions, Weiner laughed it off as a crank pulled by someone making a joke on his name (just like he made fun of House Speaker John Boehner name by hinting that it might refer to another euphemism for the same body part.

In case you haven't heard, the rock-solid Democrat was stiff with anger when confronted by news reports of his racy tweets to a college co-ed in on the west coast. According to Weiner, the tweets were the result of someone who hacked (no pun intended) his account and he offered, with certitude, that he did not send. Another bone of contention for reporters came from Weiner's limp assertion that he could absolutely deny he was the objet d'art in the pix.

Despite days of trying to pull back from the initial probe, Weiner was forced to come before the cameras again. This time however, the Congressman needed more than a towel to choke back the tears as he admitted to the tweet in question. Furthermore, Weiner finally stiffened his resolve to admit that he additionally sent tweets of a sexual nature to other women before and since his marriage to New York politico Huma Abedin. Some of these intervalle went as far as deep conversations into the nature of the human condition between the sheets, so to speak.

The hopefully not-long-for-his-office congressman is rumored to have used a sobriquet in some of these rendezvous. Little did the member of Congress realize that the utilization of his office phone in perpetrating a clandestine sex-capade  constitutes an official "act." One wonders why the stain of such shame hasn't been enough to cause our little midget to decline further "service" to his electorate, but like all Democrats, this one just can't get enough. Although I am not surprised, I have to admit that it is interesting to see something else rise in the nation's capital besides taxes.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Where does a guy find a pair of Lederhosen on short notice?

It seems as though I am in high demand again. My new employer is sending me to Europe to meet with a major client. The specifics of the trip are not important, but the honor of representing such a large company at an important meeting gives me pause to be incredibly grateful for the chance to make a difference once again.

I am no man in the middle. I have never been satisfied to be adequate. That is not to say that I haven't failed in my endeavors. It is hard to make it through 47 years and not slipped on a few banana peels. The opportunity to reach ever higher and to be rewarded periodically with the fruits of success is truly a blessing.

The company I currently work for recruited me back, more than ten years after I had left them to come to Cabela's. Despite the manner in which I was promoted to customer after delivering solutions that continue to save Cabelas's millions of dollars over the years, it left me width a sense of failure that someone with the stellar employee engagement scores I had, could be unceremoniously dumped under the guise of cost-cutting measures. One must acknowledge and move on, and the interceding two years allowed me to reflect and make a ton of mistakes.

I guess one of the reasons I hung on for so long in Sidney was the nature of many close friendships I had developed. Contrary to what a small handful of Gary Person and his friends would have you think, I was, and am, a quite loyal friend. It was loyally, in fact, that led me to the creation of this publication. I don't like seeing publications such as the Sun-Telegraph, or KSID radio offer only one side of the story. While it is true, that I offer a strong opinion, I do try to balance it with a sprinkling of facts. When I am wrong, tell me so, and I will correct the record.

Believe it or not, you cannot approach true greatness without a dose of humility. Nothing humbles a person like losing your home due to loss of income. I learned a hard and valuable lesson then and it will make me stronger for the rest of my life.

In any case, I have learned a lot about people and how companies value human capital during my tenure at Cabela's.

While I am on this trip, I plan on taking taking some time to photograph my sojourn into the old country for the first time since my military service in the mid-1980s. Lake Geneva is beautiful this time of year and the city is alive with tourists and events that are highly European. I am looking forward to the day of decompression that my company is affording me before our meetings start. I am hoping to find a kayak and paddle around a bit and take some photos to share.

If anyone out there has been to Switzerland and knows of a few good places to see, let me know, and feel free to share your experiences here. I have turned comments back on.

Information requests

If anyone comes accros any story, tidbit or other information about the friends of Gary, please send it my way. I am compiling an online history of factoids surrounding key issues mod Sidney and I am devoting a whole section to smear tactics and how the FOG has raised their use to a near art form status.

All responses will be kept in the strictest confidence.

The more things don't change....

Last week, I wrote a piece on how the Sun-Telegraph loves to have Klark Byrd write about the Playstation or about Sony. This week, I could sense that he tried to avoid it, but the allure was just too much for him.

In a page six story about a tragic kidney for IPad 2 swap, Klark just couldn't resist throwing in an update on the Sony hacking of personal information accounts. As bad as the kidney story is, it's a bigger tragedy that for the 31st time in a year, we have been subjected to another story about Sony. Perhaps we should see if their marketing department cuts checks to anyone at the paper.

Friday, June 3, 2011

IPad2 best tablet? You betcha!

I can't possibly compete with our favorite proponent of Sony technology, but I do know a thing or two about Mac-based gadgets. I have owned about every serious variant of the ipod (except the shuffle), IPhone, Mac desktop, laptop and software app since the early 90's and I have recently added their newest gadget to my collection: The IPad 2.

Don't be fooled by all the Android-Heads out there or the distant lagging Windows mobile devices. The IPad is the easiest and most powerful device of its type you can purchase. Sporting a dual core processor and dual cameras, the IPad picks up where the IPhone 4 left off. Heck with Skype, you can even make phone calls on the thing.

The display is beautiful, though I can't bring myself to use Steve Job's, "Gorgeous." Application support is awesone and extremely easy given the device's ITunes interface. When you want to do Sudoku or Yahtzee some racing game, you can easily access these games and a plethora of productivity apps including video conferencing from Go To Meeting and others.

Of course, other tablet manufacturers have the standard retort that the IPad 2 still doesn't support Flash from Adobe, Inc. Flash, in my opinion has lost a bit of its spark, given advances in coding HTML since version 5 arrived on the scene. The chief Apple knock on Flash was that it consumed a ton of battery power and anyone who has recently purchased an android 3 powered device understands this when viewing movies. Consequently, when I view HBOGo on my IPad 2, I am able to watch 7 hour long episodes of, "Game of Thrones" (I highly recommend the series) and still tap out a blog posting on the subject, read work and personal emails and plan my trip to Switzerland next week. It absolutist handles power better the the city council in Sidney.

If there is any drawback, I would have to say that it falls on the backs of carriers who sell models with 3G service. Not only is such service spotty in Sidney, the cost of these plans invalidates the extra expense, unless you are a traveling salesmaan.

Bottom line, if you are in the market for a tablet device that outshines all the rest of the competition, then you should give the IPad 2 a swipe or two. You could spend as much for a whole lot less, or a lot less for a whole lot less if you avoid the fruit of the geek.