Thursday, May 14, 2009


Just a quick little anonymous quote...

Q: Isn't government, especially Social Security the biggest Ponzi scheme of all time?”

A: No. In a scheme, the victim has to choose to hand it over. SS is more like a Ponzi stickup.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Carrie Prejean

It didn't take long for left-wing nuts to dig up pictures of Miss California Carrie PreJean. She will probably lose her standing as Miss California for the revelations which would possibly violate her morals clause.

Where have we gone wrong in this country that it becomes necessary to destroy people we don't agree with? We have sown the seeds of our own downfall as a people because we are fighting about what we can get from the government, and we have stopped caring about each other as people.

Carrie PreJean did modeling shots similar to what Victoria's Secret models do every day. Is the left out there calling those women whores and sluts, or seeking to have their livelyhood and reputation destroyed.

People make mistakes and I don't yet see any problem with her shots, reportedly done for a modeling job. The pictures were not explicit in nature and frankly, the whole thing stinks to high heaven for the attempt to destroy a young woman who simply made an honest opinion known during a pageant.

I agree with PreJean: Marriage should be between a man and a woman. The concept of marriage is a spiritual issue, not a legal one. Give civil unions to homosexuals so they can enjoy the same kind of benefits and get government out of the marriage regulation business. Stop giving tax breaks to people who are married or otherwise joined in whatever bliss they choose.

I hope those on the left will have the decency to look within themselves and cast out their own demons and stop being so sactimonious in their obvious hatred for ideas counter to their own. It's a hope, but I hold no false assumptions for its fulfillment.

What do you think?